BRaVE Academy Module 4 Sport

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Thursday 29 April 2021 4pm – 5.30pm CET

Detailing the links between sport and extremism and how to use sport as a response.

How can sports be used to tackle polarisation and create a valuable environment for an inclusive, respectful team spirit? What are new trends from an invasive right movement in the field of sports and what are strategies for a resilient sports atmosphere? How can sports push gender equality and strengthen the rights of LGBTQ+?

Pavel Klymenko | Soccer: between prevention and radicalisation | FARE Network (England)
Yvonne Labetzki | Women, Skateboarding and the Olympics | Betonkultur e.V. (Germany)


The BRaVE Academy

Many projects in Europe engage in building resilience in their communities and work against extremist tendencies and polarisation in our society. Within the framework of BRaVE, we want to support projects to exchange and network across Europe, to learn from each other and to support their work with expertise.

Across five modules, we explore current topics of project work taking place in Europe. At the beginning of each module, international experts, researchers and practitioners will share their knowledge with the participants and encourage them to exchange ideas. In small groups, participants will deepen their discussions and substantiate networking ideas.

You can find information on all events in the BRaVE Academy on

29. April 2021 von 16:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr